Top 5 reason you should attend interior design school

You probably landed on my page and this specific post because you’re contemplating whether you should spend three or four “long” years studying interior design! Right? Oh, and keep in mind that the program length is on full-time bases! So, if you are currently working full-time, you are probably thinking if it’s really worth going back to school.

If so, don’t worry you’re not alone! That’s exactly why I'm sharing some insights with you because I’ve been there! Before I went back to school to study interior design, I was a working woman! I had a stable job and a decent income. The thought of going back to school was very dreadful. The thought of leaving my permanent “desk job” and going back to sitting in a classroom didn’t process properly in my mind. I wondered how the bills were going to get paid for the next “three” years.

Let me tell you that it is possible and rewarding. Yes, this program is time-consuming, and yes, it is costly, but it’s an investment. Before I go on and give you “TOP 5 REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD ATTEND INTERIOR DESIGN SCHOOL”, I want to give you a clear understanding of what interior design really is, and what you will learn during these couple years… 

"Interior design is the ART and SCIENCE of understanding people's behaviour to create functional spaces within a building.”-While- “Decoration is the furnishing or adorning of a space with fashionable or beautiful things. In short, interior designers may decorate, but decorators do NOT design." "NCIDQ Examination | Differences Between Interior Design & Decorating." - NCIDQ Examination. Web. 14 Oct. 2015.  FYI - You will NOT spend three to four years looking at wall colours and fabric {If you were wondering why design school is of such duration}. You will spend that time understanding the usage and function of different spaces and learning to “Live Design”. 

1) YOU BECOME A PROBLEM SOLVER {In a practical and creative way

Around every project done in interior design, we deal with different spaces, with different needs and functions. Each space {residential to commercial to hospitality} all buildings has pros and cons, therefore our job as designers is to use what we are given and make practical and creative spaces for the user {the clients}. 

Finding practical solutions around those columns and accommodating square footage


If think you’re a “PRO” in time management then you’ll excel in designer school. If not, you will definitely learn a very important and useful skill.  Interior design is ALL about time management. In your first year of studies, you will have a course load of about six to ten classes depending on which school you attend. In each class, you will be assigned projects {solo and group projects}. Therefore you may have to handle several projects at a time with short deadlines. Interior design projects are time-consuming. They can take anywhere from four to ten hours a week to dedicate, but if you can manage your time and make a schedule for yourself; you will always be on track. It’s CHALLENGING and time-consuming, BUT it is POSSIBLE!

3) KNOWLEDGE IS POWER {Never a waste}

Although interior design has its fundamentals and technical side, it is also CREATIVE and ARTISTIC.  I started out in this program with a basic understanding of artistic skills such as drawing and rendering, but as I look at my work now, I can definitely see the evolution. Learning is never a waste, it helps you develop skills and perhaps develop some that you thought you never had.


I’m sure this goes for different disciplines but being part of the interior design programs, invites you to an INTIMATE community. In terms of school, you get to meet great people from “every” cycle of life. You may be in a design class with an engineer, high school graduate, a nurse, a financial advisor or even an accountant. After spending endless hours daily with these people, they become your friends and community. The community built in school will be the same community you will end up working within the design industry. 


Design school is FUN!!!! From the very first year to the design firms, we get to unleash our creativity in many ways {using sketches, colour, markers, visuals, etc…} 

A quick word of advice before I wrap up...If you are CONTEMPLATING whether you should spend three or four years in design school or not, I'd say GO FOR IT! It will definitely be an experience!!!


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